My whole life I grew up listening too those around me and observing way too much. I never let myself be immersed in games or kid stuff I guess but its not like it was a bad thing in the end. By that being said where im trying to go with this is, I always saw the stigma being presented when a "health nut" or maybe even just a vegetarian is brought up in conversation and almost instantly its looked at as weird or revolting...let me tell you why and its not that crazy...Its different than that persons its automatically "weird" "gross". Growing up where the culture of fat and grease is literally running through our veins, of course the overhang of "Theyre going to make fun of me" is always going to be there when deciding too eat healthy or start being somewhat picky with what you and your family consumes. I'll never put up a front and say we're a organic only family because I know I love my greasy Chipotle burrito just as much as the next momma but I seriously have been trying to whip myself into shape and that starts with bubbs. I've always silently prided myself at being that person who would never turn into "that" mom that slaps chips and drinks out of other peoples hands when trying to feed their kid because its not "organic" I tried I really tried not to be one of them but its SO hard. Its like having a baby is a fresh restart at "okay I get another chance" Another chance to either put a routine in place or a chance too start whipping yourself into shape because frankly you have no other option or else this little bundle of light and life you just birthed isnt going to have a fun time.
To know nothing "tainted" has touched their little bodies makes it almost sacred...temple like, at least too me, The mindset I have when thinking of the kind of food I want Bubbs too have is "Has this been touched by more people than I can count? How long has this been really sitting here?" Because the literal fact that baby food sits on the shelves in the supermarket for months, not to mention the time it takes for packaging, shipping and sitting in the warehouse. No label could guarantee Fresh babyfood, maybe organic but i genuinely dont trust it, something that sits on the shelf longer than my babies been alive just doesnt sit right with me. Im pretty restricted when it comes to being able to grow his own food so i settle for the next best thing and thats just too buy him organic produce and make his dinner alongside ours the same night.
Now I know this is where most moms would look at me and just stare then click back and nod in utter annoyance or surprise that I would go through the Gruesome work that is too mash carrots for my son. (Please tell me you caught the sarcasm) I get it, not everyone likes this way not everyone cares to give their kid non processed food and im not anyone too tell you different, just like your not anyone too tell me I cant make him his own food fresh everyday. Yet people still try for some reason. Its the sad reality that I'll always get looks and side glances especially when hes being taken care of by someone else.
“What happens when you leave Bubbs with another family member and they dont respect your wants?”
Im a non-confrontational person unless confronted first so the situation of someone else feeding my child something I really didnt want him too eat is always me crying in the car an hour later at how disrespected I feel yadda yadda yadda. But thats my own insecrutiy of not wanting someone too say something too me that will set me off. such as "Oh it wont kill him" or "He's finnee" My blow up responses would probably follow in suit ex: "It wont kill him but I really would appreciate if you would listen too my style of parenting. INSTEAD OF LITERALLY DISRESPECTING ME" "Hes NOT fine because his mother isnt FINE" The first one was somewhat nicely worded yet I know other people would even think it rude for me too put my two cents in, Even if Im the mom, isnt that the crazy part or be offended that I even dare say something that goes against what they want too do.
"What if they grow up not too like veggies and healthy food"
I didn't grow up hating rice and beans. Dont make the food something "special" and it'll just turn into a normal part of the day. People that say veggies are gross obviously weren't raised with parents who knew how to cook. And if they grow up not liking certain things then so be it, children literally are their own people its this stupid construct that children have to like everything and everyone.
If pizza rolls and fruitloops are never existent in his daily routine then why would he ever miss something he's never had and or knows is bad for him? Educating your children even from a newborn by simply talking gibberish to them stimulates their sponge brains into Wanting to learn. I genuinely feel like we get lazy. A quick way out of a fussy baby so heres a candy bar! I literally cant. It boils my blood and thats just that. So many moms in this day and age are starting too learn the benefits from the old ways and converting them into fitting with new age theories and ideas and its so beautiful but too see the stigma hanging around parents and just people in general who want to better themselves and the people they love hurts my heart so much I literally gag (ask tonio im not kidding lol) Maybe this could be a fresh new look on why the momma next door makes her food from scratch or why the neighbor wakes up every saturday at the crack of dawn too go to the farmers marker.
Ya never know, till next time!