Everyone's head turns the moment I relay that I am a witch.
It's definitely a weird thing too say in this day and age because frankly, everyone 'thinks' they know what they're talking about and instantly wants too lump us into the loony bin, throw us in the broom closet with the green skinned bimbos or overall stay away because Brujeria (Spanish for witchcraft) is the 'devils' work. I laugh but It still hurts, it hurts to be looked at like your crazy for simply finding something that brings peace after a full life of pain and loneliness. Something that everyday people are allowed too do without being looked at like a satan himself was walking the earth because thats what Organized Religion is, it brainwashes those around that think differently that those are the traitors, You can see me as anti religion anti this and that but the reality is, we're here as a species together too help eachother and im very confident that ideal was lost somewhere in the humble and jumble.
What does being a witch mean?.
Before I start to get into the nitty gritty I want you too know Wicca and Witchcraft dont need to be connected, thats the beauty of this "religion" or path. You can be a practicing witch and still be christian, muslim ect, maybe not the prime example of what others think those religions to be but the choice is up too the person in charge. Im a practicing Witch and Wiccan, I follow the Wiccan Rede and do my own little rituals throughout the day but its never something like sacrificing a goat on the side of the road so if your here for that i'd suggest you go take that inner turmoil somewhere else because im a witch of love and light and I'm done being looked at like I eat babies.
“I want you too know Wicca and Witchcraft don't need to be connected.”
I personally like too follow everything. I believe in the God and the Godess but I also believe in the Christian God but don't get me started on the Greek and Norse Pantheon, My personal beliefs is for another post and another time because honest too mother, I could write a book on all the things I've connected throughout my ventures. The most important main "godess" I follow is Mother Earth or Mother all. Something that personally has proven too me over and over again that she will sustain and care for me even when those around me have forgotten or simply choose not too. All being a witch is, is things falling into place, feeling connected too the earth and the energy that surrounds us because that will Never leave, till the end of time our energy will always be recycled and it just makes sense too me. Why else would water sustain us and our food is literally given too us from her beautiful soil. Everything we ever would need to flourish and care for her are here and present in our everyday lives. This world was not made too conquer it was made too be our equal. Mother may not have created us but she picked us up, she took us in and she sustained and loved us even as we continued to kill and harm her. Her love is that of a true mother she's willing to die for her children.
Ever since the beginning of time there has always been a "witch" even in the earliest scripture. The Book of 1 Samuel, which dates back too 931 B.C and 721 B.C. For the Witch of Endor too help beat a war. (Of course it was used with evil intentions..) We've been around for so long time tends too fade in and out and we only come up in the history books here and there until the 1600's and we all know what that branded us as. Blessed be our sisters and brothers who were burned for following the light and mothers heart.
Wicca, or modern day Pagan Witchcraft has evolved with the times, its grown from people hiding who they really were too coming out of their broom closets and saying they're a proud witch the self loving energy in the air with all sorts of minorities being it Muslim's, Mexican's, African Americans, Native Americans, those in the LQBTQ+ Community ANYONE trying to find their true self and the Headstrong love filled posts I've come across are EXACTLY what us witches needed after years of ostracizing OURSELVES from others. Being a Witch is so much more than going out and buying yourself the prettiest crystals and decorating your room with Tibetan prayer flags and tapestries, it's more than those spells and dried herbs, its being comfortable with who you are and being able to wear your garments, wear your talismans and smile when those who glare at you and wish them a blessed day and you ask mother and the universe too help them wake up.